Our Research
The Islet Biology Group at Exeter (IBEx) is made up of principal investigators, research fellows, postdocs, doctoral students, and research technicians who seek to better understand the biology of pancreatic endocrine cells in health and disease.
Our research spans the whole gamut of pancreas development from conception to adulthood and aims to reveal the factors that cause diabetes (in all its forms).
Our overall goal is to find ways to sustain the functional capacity of pancreatic endocrine cells in people of all ages and to bring “a world without diabetes” a step closer.

The IBEx Team can be found on the 4th Floor of the University of Exeter Medical School’s RILD building, on the RD&E hospital site in the South-West of England.
This beautiful, purpose-designed building houses state of the art labs and equipment and is home to scientists and clinicians working together to solve clinical problems.

For recent publications, please visit our university webpages. Links are found in Our Team bios.
Morgan Lab
Richardson Lab
Leete Lab
Boldison Lab
Yang Lab
Russell Lab
Rackham Lab
Eichmann Lab

Thank you to our funders over the years who have made this work possible

PhD, Project and Consortium Funding

© IBCS 2022